Attending medical school is one of the most challenging and stress filled experiences one can undertake.
Success in medical school requires a combination of intellectual ability, study planning, organizational skills, commitment to wellness, hard work, and the smart use of med school resources.
Dr. Richard P. Winslow is a college/university insider who has spent 25 years with privileged access to the most important information and has developed advice for would-be medical students on how to get into medical school and how to survive the critical first year.
From advice on how to select a best-fit medical school, prepare your application, ace the interview, to preparing to go off to med school, and how to survive the first year, this insider’s guide provides direct and honest advice for students on what your priorities should be and how to maximize your success. Find out what to expect during orientation, how to navigate developing your study plan, and the must dos to successfully complete your first year; this guide provides the reader with the straight scoop on what to do and what common pitfalls to avoid.
A must-read for every potential medical student to help formulate your own approach to medical school success, identify what key first-year-of-med school issues demand your attention, and ultimately survive and thrive.
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Dr. Richard P. Winslow
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