Dr. Richard P. Winslow
Enrollment- Dr. Winslow provides data-driven, in depth analyses of enrollment management operations, including but not limited to, prospect pool development, funnel conversion optimization, admission counselor training, application design and analysis, and development of direct and email application marketing campaigns.
Student Services- Richard's breadth and depth of expertise is grounded in student services. Dr. Winslow provides data-driven consulting/advising in the areas of:
Learning Enhancement
Student Handbook Analysis and Development
Student Support Services (Development of counseling, medical, tutoring, student activity, student organization, and other support services)
Parents- Dr. Winslow's sense of humor and genuine approach to working with parents strikes an authentic chord when he presents his "Straight Talk for Parents: An Insider's Guide to Helping Your College Student Survive the First-Year of College". Dr. Winslow is available for one hour, two hour, or three hour workshops for the parents of new college students and new medical students and represents your institution in real and enriching ways. Your parents will praise your institution's investment in their family when Dr. Winslow completes one of his workshops. Your faculty and staff will thank you when Dr. Winslow cultivates some of the most important messages that you want parents to receive. These workshops are a win/win for your University.
Students-For years, colleagues have referred to Dr. Winslow as the "Student Whisperer". And his passion for higher education lies in the ability to look students in the eyes, in authentic ways, and speak truth to power. Dr. Winslow is available for two or more hours of student-focused workshops focused on "Straight Talk for College Students: An Insider's Guide To All the Crap No One Will Tell You About College". Students will receive both practical advice on how to navigate their first year of college, but also receive key pieces of advice that reinforce messages that are important to your institution.
Dr. Winslow also does topic specific presentations/workshops on the following topics:
Straight Talk for Medical Students
Straight Talk for Fraternities & Sororities
Straight Talk for College Athletes
Higher Education Executives- The vast majority of Dr. Winslow's time in higher education has been spent at the very top, working on President's Councils and Cabinets where the most important decisions are made. Dr. Winslow is available to work directly one-on-one with cabinet members or with these leadership teams, as a whole, on topic specific issues, or on team development. The goal of this work is to insure that your leadership team is working efficiently and effectively for your students, faculty, and staff.